
HeY Reader! :mrgreen:
WelCome to My BlOg “ViEwS  4 LiFe”

My Name is DarShan Pandya – A Blogger, Android Developer, Writer, Singer & a LAZY BEAST! 😂😂

I am a Simple 20 Year Old Guy who CraSh Landed on EARTH on 4 AUGUST 1996 😂😛
Currently, I live in a Small but Beautiful Town called AmRaVaTi

I Believe in eXperiencing all the ‘BEST’ & the ‘WORST’ things in My LiFe & Sharing them to You People via this BLOG!
Coz People ‘LeaRn’ from the Mistakes of Others! 😆☺

Everything in this World INSPIRES me to do Something for Others & for MySelf!

So ViSiT EveryDay for Some AmaZing Dose of QuoTes! ☺

#DarShu ☺

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