I want to run away.! 

Life is not always the eternal dawn,

Sometimes it’s like walking barefoot in scorching heat .

The thrones in my path make my heart bleed, 

And there’s no one to cast the shadow over the endless grief. 

Life is not always the soft drizzle, 

Sometimes it’s like to confront the shattering cloudburst. 

The roaring of cloud engulfs me with fear,

And there’s no one to soothe my enduring torment. 

Life is not always the gentle snowfall,  Sometimes it’s like to withstand the dreadful hailstorm. 

The chilly winter nights make my senses numb, 

And there’s no one to tender me with affection & care. 

I want to run away from this misery. 

I want to escape from this never ending journey,

But the fire in me doesn’t let me give up.

Life is not meant to cry over defeats but to smile concealing the tears. 

Whenever I fall, heart whispers “Rise & win the glory. ” 

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